This was thrown into sharp relief last night when I stood too close to a mantlepiece candle at a party last night and my hair caught fire.
The first I knew of it was a wild buzzing coming from the back of my head. My initial thought was that a cicada or locust or (I’m clearly not much of an entomologist) similar critter had landed on me. Thankfully, the chums I was talking to by the fireplace realised that I was not, in fact, dealing with an arthropod interloper, but a follicular conflagration, and exercised a measure of haste in dealing with the burning PVP.
I can't believe I missed it...
Oh deary me. Fire and you have always been such wonderful friends. Wha' happened?
in computer game talk pvp means player vs player. Critter versus blogger?
Yeah! What's with this dormant blog bizz-nazz?
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